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After the occurrence, and due to my financial difficulties, the first thing that came to my mind was the creation of a BD/Storyboard. The idea came after three attempts in explaining what succeeded to the police , and insisting with proves. AS the three times I found anomalies in the report they wrote, I challenged my friends, and artists I was meeting in the process, to interpret graphically what happened, only with the description of each moment / plan. So, without previous access to my illustrations. I end knowing their future was being detectives.
Along the fanzine there are in the left side veracious occurrences, illustrated by SE.MENTE. In the Right Side there’s the imagination of each artist. In the middle there’s the description I gave them and a description of the artist who imagined that scene.

Fanzine​ and brochure


"E Tudo o Comboio Levou" (And all the train took), it's a project that born in one the worst days of SE.MENTE. It was in this day that the poor girl, when went to Lisbon (to an exposition invitation) lost everything in the Sete Rios trainstation. This is the story present in the fanzine, realized by "Horta"(Farm) (SE.MENTE and her friends) to try to recover everything the train took.
P.S. If eventually you find someone in Damaia with a ASUS Desktop, a Graphic BAMBOO Pad, a camera, some glasses and keys, contact SE.MENTE so she can beat him.



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